A celebration of enduring materials that emphasize substance, with details that remain clean and understated. Plaster, stone, slate and steel harmonize to adapt European precedent with modern California lifestyles.

The cadence of openings, the modest roof line, and the welcoming landscapes embrace the past while centering the home in its Northern Californian climate. 

The layout of the home — an “L” that keeps room sizes intimate and accommodating — captures the gracious spirit at the heart of this design: effortlessly elegant and infinitely generous to residents and visitors alike.


Interior comfort transitions seamlessly to outdoor pleasure, expansive windows and doors breathing life and light into elegant interiors.

This home is stately but inviting, beckoning you to walk through its galleries and be met by natural light at every turn. Embodying a dynamic yet balanced relationship between classic and modern, the home’s graceful lines and restrained modernity are built to endure.


Photography/videos: Christopher Stark

Interior Design: Leverone Design